The best way to get tested is donate blood to the Red Cross or other blood donation centers. A, AB, B, donors will cause false positives when testing. Unfortunately only O donors are accepted by these companies as paid donors for red cells. I knew a pathologist who donated because he was “I negative” and O positive. Some of the more rarer bloods genotypes would be Lub negative or I negative. For example people are RH positive or negative. Blood is made of numerous positive and negative parts that are all part of the bloods genotype. People who are O negative or AB negative are not necesarily “rare donors.” There are 40 plus key antigens that must be negative or positive to be considered rare. To get paid big money one must be extremely rare or have a good pattern of positive and negative antigens. I have heard people say that they are a rare donor. The donated red cells are not transfused to humans.Ĭompanies may pay big money for for certain red blood cells and plasma. These red cells are classified as being used for investigational purposes. One usually does not get paid for red cell donations unless you find a company that uses red blood cells for testing reagents. The packed red cells of females are still used for human transfusion purposes. The plasma will be used for other manufacturing purposes such as making factor derivative medicine. Female plasma is usually not used for human transfusions anymore due to the risk of transfusion related lung injury but females can still donate. If your a male that is AB positive you should ask for more money when donating plasma since AB positive is the rarest. Plasma donations are the most common but the the amount one receives is usually under a 100 dollars. Blood is broken down into packed red blood cells and plasma when it is initially processed. Donors cannot be paid for red cell blood that will go in to other humans.ĭonors may be paid for plasma or red cells destined for research, but the amount can be different on the type of donation. Contact your local blood donation center to donate. Blood Bank Depot does collect blood or pay donors for blood product. Over the course of many years I have been asked if I one can get paid for blood donations. Analytical Balance for scientific laboratory.Accuris Precision Balance Series for Laboratory.Digital Water Bath w/ display for laboratory.
Pipette Check Verification Test Cartridge.5 ML DISPOSABLE TRANSFER PIPETTES for Blood Bank Testing.Pipette by Accuris for liquid handling in research laboratory.Centrifuge for collection samples in laboratory.

Blood Donation Phlebotomy Device Transwaag Pro.Terumo Welding Wafers for sterile docker.Multi Tube Segment Sealer for component production.